Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pray without ceasing

I heard a cd yesterday about people who volunteer in the church and what was different about them than people who do not. The answer was prayer. These people started off their day with the first priority being prayer. Their prayer was specific and intentional for focus and giving their time to God. These people understand that prayer is not for God, just as tithing is not for God. He does not need our money or our prayers. We need to give both, to grow in grace and be strengthened to become the best instrument we can possibly be to bring Him glory. So now im asking myself am I being one of the people who just show up to church and then go home ? Am I giving my time to God as my first priority of the day ? Just a little thought for today :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

stuck on san pedro

Ok've been thinking a lot about poverty and my dad always says "poor is something that you do not something that you are." How do people get to the "poor" point . What I mean by that is when do they get to the point of complacency? Yesterday by san Pedro st. I wad so saddened by all the homeless and others just standing around passing this God given time just sitting here. Then we drove two streets up and the look and feel of the city was changed. The people were walking faster with smiles on there faces and a bounce in they're step. There was also one other thing I noticed , there was one homeless man over there , he had a bag of cans and although he was still holding a sign asking for help , Just the fact that he had those cans told me he was willing to work for it. He got up out of the slums of san Pedro st. And surrounded himself with a better atmosphere. I believe we need to teach people this concept because how many are out there right now thinking they're stuck on san Pedro st not realizing the light and opportunity shining just two streets away. And all they have to do is get up and walk. I've heard someone say before "take up your cross and follow me" sometimes the hardest thing for us to do is just the thing God wants us to do to succeed. So let's follow Him. Into the homes of the broken and teach them how to rise above the complacency they have been taught. I'm so happy to represent the LIFE business where we can reach millions. ..:.........Jen